
講題:等候vs行動 (Waiting and Acting)


        Shouldn’t our hearts be burning with passion? You are already
        experiencing it but only affirmed the experience upon looking back.
        Allow me to rewind history and share with you my discovery of the
        key ingredient.


    Commands must be carried out, this we all know. We ought to wait;
    wait for the Holy Spirit, as promised by the Father, to come and fill
    us and empower us to carry out the commands. The true meaning is not
    to rely on our own ability. (Compare obeying the Law and carrying out
    the Great Commission)
    To carry out the Great Commission requires the power of the Holy Spirit.
    1. 火熱的能力(願為主擺上的火熱)
        The power of passion (a passionate willingness to serve the Lord).
    2. 改變的能力(自己心思意念,行為及環境)賽49:6(離開永和肢體),美斯樂→美塞,
        The power of transformation (one’s mind-set, walk and circumstances).
        Isa.49:6 (leaving members of “ “)

    永和肢體 - 台北基督徒永和禮拜堂
    美斯樂 (Mae Salong) - 泰國北部城鎮,位於泰緬邊境深山之中。五十多年前,
    在泰北落地生根。 美斯樂是當時主要的據點,也是最大的難民村。
    美塞 (Mae Sai) - 泰國最北部城鎮,往東可至「金三角 (Golden Triangle)」,
    與鄰國緬甸 (Mynamar)相隔一條「美塞河 (Mae Sai River)」,河上由一條橋連接兩國。

    3. 非己力的能力(醫病趕鬼)
        The power not of human source (healing and driving out demons).
    4. 使人認耶穌為主的能力
        The power to make man recognize that Jesus is Lord.
    The guiding of the Holy Spirit is needed wherever we go.
    1. 在耶路撒冷傳因聖靈降下,福音在那裡展開。
        The coming of the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem enables the work of the Gospel
        to spread.
    2. 腓力被聖靈引導使他到了撒馬利亞。
        Philip was guided by the Holy Spirit to Samaria.
    3. 彼得再見異像使能到外邦人中。
        Peter’s repeated vision made him go to the Gentiles.
    We must witness wherever we go.
    (We can tell people what we know, but cannot share with people what we don’t
    1. 在危險環境中有見證
        Witnessing in perilous circumstances
    2. 在無助環境中有見證
        Witnessing in desperate circumstances
    3. 被棄絕的環境中有見證
        Witnessing in forsaken circumstances