130 何等權柄 耶穌尊名

All Hail The Power of Jesus’ Name


1.何等權柄耶穌尊名 天使全數俯伏

獻上冠冕同心尊敬 祂作萬有之主

獻上冠冕同心尊敬 祂作萬有之主

1.      All hail the pow’r of Jesus’ name

 Let angels prostrate fall

* Bring forth the royal diadem

 And crown Him Lord of all (*2x)


2.你們歷代殉道眾聖 要從祭壇歡呼

同聲高舉耶西的根 祂作萬有之主

同聲高舉耶西的根 祂作萬有之主

Crown Him, ye martyrs of our God

Who from His altar call

* Extol the stem of Jesse’s rod

And crown Him Lord of all (*2x)


3.你們被贖亞當後代 出生墮落聖徒

蒙恩得救應當敬拜 祂作萬有之主

蒙恩得救應當敬拜 祂作萬有之主

Ye chosen seed of Israel’s race

Ye ransomed from the fall

* Hail Him who saves you by His grace

And crown Him Lord of all (*2x)


4.罪人的心永不能忘 葦子苦膽酸醋

今當到祂面前瞻望 祂這萬有之主

今當到祂面前瞻望 祂這萬有之主

Ye gentile sinners, ne’er forget

The wormwood and the gall

* Go, spread your trophies at His feet

And crown Him Lord of all (*2x)


5.但願地上萬族萬民 都向救主歡呼

榮耀尊貴都歸祂名 祂是萬有之主

榮耀尊貴都歸祂名 祂是萬有之主

Let every kindred, every tribe

On this terrestrial ball

* To Him all majesty ascribe

And crown Him Lord of all (*2x)


6.億萬群眾擁擠之中 我也一同俯伏

參加他們永遠歌頌 你作萬有之主

參加他們永遠歌頌 你作萬有之主

Oh, that with yonder sacred throng

We at His feet may fall

* Join in the everlasting song

 And crown Him Lord of all (*2x)