
Near The Cross


1 求主使我近十架 在此有一寶泉

醫治活水無代價 流自迦略山巔

1.     Jesus, keep me near the cross.

There a precious fountain

Free to all,  healing stream,

Flows from Calv’ry’s mountain.

*十字架 十字架永是我的誇耀

等我被提到天家 仍是我的倚靠

*In the cross, in the cross, Be my glory ever;

Till my raptured soul shall find

Rest beyond the river.


2 前我戰兢就十架 得蒙愛憐寬饒

明亮晨星的光華 在此仍將我照

2. Near the cross, a trembling soul,

Love and mercy found me;

There the Bright and Morning Star

Sheds its beams around me.

*十字架 十字架永是我的誇耀

等我被提到天家 仍是我的倚靠

*In the cross, in the cross, Be my glory ever;

Till my raptured soul shall find

Rest beyond the river.


3 哦主當我近十架 示我以其情景

在你十架蔭庇下 天天助我前行

3. Near the cross! O Lamb of God

Bring its scenes before me;

Help me walk from day to day

With its shadows o’er me.

*十字架 十字架永是我的誇耀

等我被提到天家 仍是我的倚靠

*In the cross, in the cross, Be my glory ever;

Till my raptured soul shall find

Rest beyond the river.


4 就近十架而儆醒 時時信靠瞻仰

直到被提得上升 永遠見主面光

4. Near the cross I’ll watch and wait,

Hoping, trusting ever,

Till I reach the golden strand

Just beyond the river.

*十字架 十字架永是我的誇耀

等我被提到天家 仍是我的倚靠

*In the cross, in the cross, Be my glory ever;

Till my raptured soul shall find

Rest beyond the river.