    Spiritual Milk, Spiritual House, Spiritual Sacrifice & Testimony

    讀經: [彼前 1:3, 14-15, 23] [彼前2:1-5,9-12] Scripture: [1 Peter 1:3,
    14-15, 23] [1 Peter 2:1-5, 9-12]

    1. 靈奶: 注重靈命成長的根基,強調從神的話語中得到生命的供應 ;
       Spiritual Milk is the main theme for January to March – focusing
       the attention on the foundation of the growth of Spiritual life,
       with emphasis on the provision of life obtained from the words of God.
    2. 靈宮: 注重靈命成長的建造,強調在生活事奉中接受磨練彼此配搭 ;
       Spiritual House is the main theme for April to June – focusing
       the attention on the build-up to a growing Spiritual life, with
       emphasis on the need of training and partnership in a life of service.
    3. 靈祭: 注重靈命成長的結果,強調奉獻自己,成為神所悅納的靈祭 ;
       Spiritual Sacrifice is the main theme for July to September –
       focusing the attention on the effects of a grown Spiritual life,
       with emphasis on self-dedication to become a Spiritual sacrifice
       acceptable to God.
    4. 見證: 注重靈命成長的影響,強調在日常生活中成為福音的見證人 ;
       Testimony is the main theme for October to December – focusing
       the attention on the influence of a grown Spiritual life, with
       emphasis on becoming witnesses for The Gospel in our daily lives.

一. 靈奶 - 重點在「得到基督的生命」
    Spiritual Milk – main point is to have the life of Christ
    1. 基督徒的重生是聖靈藉著神的話,使我們認罪悔改的結果
       Christians are born again as a result of the repentance of their
       sins urged by the Holy Spirit though the words of God.
      [1: 23]你們蒙了重生,不是由於能壞的種子,乃是由於不能壞的種子,

      重生和受洗都只是新生命的開始,不是結束 ;
      To be born again and baptized are only the beginning of a new life,
      not the end of it;

      It is not the end, it is not even the beginning of the end, it perhaps
      be the end of the beginning. (Winston Churchill at the conclusion of
      the 1941 battle of Egypt)
    2. 讀聖經的目的 : 要知「道」而且行「道」,才能活出基督的生命
       The purpose of reading the bible: to understand the “Word” and do
       what the “Word” says in order to live out the life of Christ.
      [40]然而,你們不肯到我這裡來得生命。 ♦

      “Study the Scriptures” & “to come to me to have life” have
       different importance but must complement each other to receive
       real benefits.
       ~ 靈命真正的復興,一定是在認罪悔改並恢復神話語的基礎上。
         The genuine revival of Spiritual life must be on the basis of
         repentance of sins and reverting back to God’s words.
       ~ 親近主的靈修讀經和知識性的學習分享都需要,不可偏廢。
         Do not abandon drawing close to the Lord through devotion,
         scripture reading, studying and sharing of knowledge as all
         are necessary.
二. 靈宮 - 重點在「靠著基督建造」
    Spiritual House – main point is to be built in Christ
    Christian lives are to be built together with other saints to become
    a Spiritual house.
    [弗2:19-22][19]這樣,你們不再作外人和客旅,是與聖徒同國,是神 家裡的
    人了;[20]並且被建造在使徒和先知的根基上,有基督耶穌自己 為房角石,
    [21]各(或作:全)房靠他聯絡得合式,漸漸成為主的聖 殿。[22]你們也靠他
    ~ 在「不敢輕易得罪弟兄」、「彼此饒恕」、「互相代求」的十字架經 歷中
      To grow in strength through experiencing the way of the Cross:
      not hurting the feelings of fellow believers; forgiving each other;
      interceding for each other.
三. 靈祭 - 重點在「藉著基督奉獻」
    Spiritual Sacrifice – main point is offering sacrifices
    through Christ
    The only pleasing sacrifice to God is Jesus Christ, all else are only
    symbolic sacrifices.
    願意的;你曾給我預備了身體。[6]燔祭和贖罪祭是你不喜歡的。[7]那 時我說:

    ~ 牲祭必須是「沒有殘疾的」,燔祭要「全然奉獻燒在壇上」豫表耶穌基督的
      Animal offering must be those without defects; Burnt offering is
      to burn all of it on the altar, symbolizing Jesus Christ’s sinless
      perfection and complete sacrifice.
    ~ 燔祭是五種祭中的第一種祭,基督能成為其他祭物 (素祭、平安祭、贖罪祭、
      贖愆祭) 的預表是因為基督先將自己全然奉獻,完全為神而活。
      Burnt offering is the first of five kinds of offerings; Christ has
      become the symbol of all other sacrifices (Grain, Fellowship, Sin &
      Guilt offerings) for He offered His all and live solely for God. ♦
      In God’s perspective, the order of the five symbolic sacrifices is:
      (1). 燔祭 -- 耶穌獻身被遣,道成肉身來到世上,為要照神的旨意而行。
           Burnt offering – Jesus offers Himself to be sent as the Word
           became flesh, to do God’s will.
      (2). 素祭 -- 耶穌為人完美無缺,沒有罪性與罪行。
           Grain offering – Jesus is perfect without blemish as a man,
           without sin and has not sinned.
      (3). 平安祭 -- 耶穌使我們與神和好,成就和平。
           Fellowship offering – Jesus reconciled us with God and gives
           us peace.
      (4) 贖罪祭 -- 耶穌為我們贖罪 ; 重在罪性。
          Sin offering – Jesus redeemed our sins; stressing the sinful
      (5). 贖愆祭 -- 耶穌為我們贖罪 ; 重在罪行。
          Guilt offering – Jesus redeemed our sins; stressing sinful
         「 藉基督」 所獻上的部分,才能蒙神所悅納。
         To offer a Spiritual sacrifice that is acceptable to God,
         one must his body as a living sacrifice and live for God.
         Only the portions offered through Christ will be pleasing to God.
四. 見證 - 重點在「活出基督的生命」
    Testimony – main point is to live out the life of Christ
    The outpouring of life is the testimony that touches and changes man,
    not an one time deed.
    要叫你們宣揚那召你們出黑暗入奇妙光明者的美德。 ♦

    God chose us today and delivered us from the hand of the Prince of the
    world. If we are not clear of the status of our heavenly citizenship,
    we cannot view the life of strangers in the world from the perspective
    dwelling in heaven. ♦

    Are you a testimony of good behavior and noble deeds amongst your
    relatives, school mates and colleagues?
五. 結論     Conclusion
    「藉著基督奉獻」(靈祭)與「活出基督的生命」(見證) 成為我們靈命成長的異象。
    In this new year, may Spiritual Milk (having the life of Christ),
    Spiritual House (be built up in Christ), Spiritual Sacrifice (offerings
    through Christ) and Testimony (living out the life of Christ) become
    the vision of the growth of our Spiritual life.