674 當奉耶穌這名站住10


The Name Of Jesus Is Our Stand


1.當奉耶穌這名站住 信祂得勝站住

不靠自己力量站住 不靠才能站住

The name of Jesus is our stand,

It is our victory,

Not on ourselves do we rely,

But mighty Lord on Thee.

不要使用血氣兵器 只用聖靈寶劍

穿上神的軍裝服役 滅盡仇敵火箭
Our weapons are not arms of flesh,
But ours the Spirit’s sword,
And God’s whole armor putting on,
We battle in the Lord.

看哪邪靈正在聚集 故當守你地場

四面黑暗爭戰緊急 故當靠主抵擋

Behold, the foe doth meet and plot,

Stand firm in one accord!

Tho’ war be fierce and darkness thick,

Resist him in the Lord!

你若退後怕仇敵兇 一人牽動全軍

請你不要使你弟兄 因你緣故受窘

If one thro’ fear should backward turn,

He undermines the rest,

Oh, do not let your brothers down,

Nor by you be distressed.


3.撒但己知其時不久 所以其氣忿忿

要在爭戰尚未起首 就使你靈鬱悶

The devil knows his time is short,

He is the more enraged,

And by his wiles would weaken us

Before the battle’s waged

誘惑試探比前更多 苦難比前更大

陰府權勢攻逼你我 比前更為可怕

The trials now more numerous are,

The suffering e’en more sore,

The force of hell opposing us

More dreadful than before



我們可否因貪優游 便讓仇敵宰割

What should our posture be today

In such a desp’rate hour?

Should we our ease and pleasure seek

And let the foe devour?

或者因著苦難加倍 更加忍耐奮勇

生死關頭在此定規 誰要得主稱榮

Or with increasing conflict strong,

Courageous to endure?

‘Tis here that life or death is won!

Who will God’s praise secure?


5.因此你當為主站住 耶穌是得勝者

你當忍受一切痛苦 直到那日方捨

For Christ the Lord we then would stand,

He is the Conqueror!

For Him we world endure the pain

Until the fight is o’ver.

耶穌不久快要再臨 戰事不久要停

你今為主受難受驚 那日必得權柄

The hour of triumph soon we’ll see

The Lord will come again!

If now we suffer for His sake,

Then we with Him shall reign.