226 思念主愛

Thy Love, O Lord


1.    我晝夜常思念你的愛 耶穌 不能測

長闊與高深 如瀑布從高處澆下來 耶穌


Day and night do I think of Thy love, O Lord,

Its height and its depth  - O how great !

Pouring down like a great water fall, O Lord,

Thy love doth my being elate.

你因愛成肉身來此世 耶穌

捨棄你榮光大寶座 竟生在律法下

為人子 耶穌 甘心受貧寒無枕所

Thou didst come down from heav’n for love’s sake,

O Lord, Forsaking Thy glory and Thy throne.

Thou wast born Son of Man under law, O Lord,

Without any wealth called Thine own.

*我的愛都澆奠你腳前 耶穌 因你比萬有

滿我意 你到底又盡美又盡善 耶穌


*All my love is poured out at Thy feet, O Lord,

None can satisfy my heart so well,

Most delightful and precious art Thou, O Lord.

I love in Thy bosom to dwell.


2.你的愛如筵席氣味香 耶穌 讓我

蒙恩人來飽嘗 多虧你在十架代死亡

耶穌 甘願被咒詛掛架上

Like a savory feast is Thy love, O Lord,

My whole being to satisfy,

How I thank Thee for taking my place, O Lord,

To endure the cross and to die.

救贖我出死亡脫罪惡 耶穌

你血洗淨我白如雪 又差遣保惠師

訓誨我 耶穌 行事得蒙主常喜悅

Thou hast rescued me from sin and death, O Lord,

Thy blood washed my heart white as snow.

Thou hast sent Thy Spirit to help me, O Lord,

That I might please Thee here below.

*我的愛都澆奠你腳前 耶穌 因你比萬有

滿我意 你到底又盡美又盡善 耶穌


*All my love is poured out at Thy feet, O Lord,

None can satisfy my heart so well,

Most delightful and precious art Thou, O Lord.

I love in Thy bosom to dwell.


3.我晝夜常羨慕你的家 耶穌 在天為

聖徒備安宅 黃金街碧玉城樂無涯 耶穌


Day and night do I long for Thy home, O Lord,

That Thou art preparing for me.

O what joy to walk on streets of glod, O Lord,

No more pain and tears will I see.

得常在你恩惠慈愛中 耶穌

諸天所有福難較量 你的愛

至永遠不變更 耶穌 榮耀圍繞我成光浪

To abide in Thy grace and Thy love, O Lord,

What blessing divine beyond compare !

For Thy love is the same to the end, O Lord,

Thy glory is seen everywhere.

*我的愛都澆奠你腳前 耶穌 因你比萬有

滿我意 你到底又盡美又盡善 耶穌


*All my love is poured out at Thy feet, O Lord,

None can satisfy my heart so well,

Most delightful and precious art Thou, O Lord.

I love in Thy bosom to dwell.