New Testament Theology

Assignment 12

The Resurrection (a)



1.  Read Mark 16: 1-8, Matthew 28:1-15, and Luke 24:1-12.

       On what points do these three records all agree?

       What are the inconsistencies among them?

       Do you think the inconsistencies make their historical reliability unbelievable?



2.  Read John 20: 1-10.

       What do you think is the significance of the head cloth being neatly rolled up

              separately from the other cloths?



3.  Read Luke 24:36-43.

       Why do you think Jesus want to eat the fillet of halibut?  Was he hungry?





作業 12


1. 讀馬可福音16: 1-8,馬太福音28:1-15 和路加福音 24 1-12




2.讀約翰福音20: 1-10


3. 讀路加福音 24 36-43















New Testament Theology

Assignment 13

The Resurrection (b)



1.  Read John 20: 24-31, then John 14: 1-5, then John 11: 5-6.

       Was Thomas's problem a just cynical skepticism , or was there something


       What made him believe?  did he touch Jesus's hands and side?

       Can a true scientist believe in the resurrection of Jesus?


2. Read 1 Corinthians 15: 20-50.

       In heaven will we be just spirits or will we have bodies?

       What questions does that raise for you?



Memorize the books of the New Testament in order.




作業 13



1. 讀約翰福音 20: 24-31,然後約翰福音 14 1 -5,然後約翰福音11 5-6




2. 讀哥林多前書15: 20-50



















Assignment 14


The Book of Acts (a)

The Spirit of Power



1.  Who wrote the Book of Acts?  How do you know?

        Who has the leading role in the cast of characters?


  1. Read Acts 2:1-13.

a.  What signs were manifested by the Holy Spirit that day?

b.  What would you have seen and heard if you were there?


  1. Read Acts 2:14-39.

What concrete evidence of the resurrection does Peter imply in his sermon          

      when he contrasts David (and his tomb) with Jesus?


  1. Read Acts 3:1-5:42.

How many demonstrations of God’s power in human lives and          

       sovereignty over events do you see in this passage?


  1. Read Acts 6:1-8:8.

a. Why do you think the apostles had been staying around the Temple

          every day up until this time?  Note Acts 1:6 and Malachi 3:1.

                        b. Why was Stephen killed?  Note Acts 6:9-15.

                        c.  How did Stephen’s martyrdom and the persecution that followed seem

     to get the church moving into God’s plan of Acts 1:8?



        Memorize the chapter locations of these New Testament passages:


              "Who will roll away the stone?"                       Mark 16

              Doubting Thomas                                    John 20

              The coming of the Holy Spirit                          Acts 2

              The first martyr                                        Acts 7

              Paul on the road to Damascus                                Acts 9          











作業 14




1. 使徒行傳是誰寫的?你如何知道?


2. 讀使徒行傳 2 1-13


       b.如果 你在那裡,你會看到和聽到什麼?

3. 讀使徒行傳2:14-39

       在彼得的佈道中他有什麼具體證據暗示復活,當他用大衛 (和他的墳    墓)與耶穌形成了對比的時候?

4. 讀使徒行傳3:1-5:42


5. 讀使徒行傳6:1-8:8

       a. 你認為為什麼使徒了一直逗留在聖殿周圍直到這時候?留意參考使徒行傳             1 6 及瑪拉基 3: 1

       b. 司提反為什麼被殺?留意參考使徒行傳6 9-15

       c. 司提反的殉道和隨後的迫害如何將教會移到使徒行傳1 8神的計畫中?



       "誰會將那塊石頭滾開呢?"                 馬可福音16

       多疑的多馬                             約翰福音20

       聖靈的降臨                             使徒行傳 2

       第一個殉道者                         使徒行傳7

       保羅在大馬色的路上                    使徒行傳9


















Assignment 15


The Book of Acts (b)

The Spirit of Revelation



  1. Read Acts 7:54-8:1, and 9:1-9.

What impression might seeing Stephen’s death have made on the young

             man, Saul?  What kind of psychological stress and conflict might

             this have produced in Saul?


  1. Read 2 Corinthians 5: 14-17.

a.       What might Paul have been thinking of when he wrote this?

b.      Do you remember when you saw Christ in a new and different

way? What was that experience like?


  1. Read Acts 9:26-30.

How did the Christians in Jerusalem feel about Paul?  Who was his

    advocate and finally got him accepted?  Do you know what

    Barnabas means?


  1. Read Acts 10:1-11:24.

a.       How did Peter’s dream prepare him for his encounter with Cornelius?

b.      Do you think this brought back memories for Peter of Jesus’s

teaching in Mark 7:14-23?

         c.  Who do you think added the explanation in Mark 7:19?


  1. Read Ephesians 3:1-12.

  How do you think Peter’s experience relates to the secret (“mystery”)

                Paul talks about here?


  1. Read Acts 16:6-10.

         a.  How does Luke quietly introduce himself here?

         b. What does this passage tell you about the relationship between                      the second and third persons of the Trinity?



Memorize the chapter locations of these New Testament passages:


"I am not ashamed of the gospel                               Romans 1

Justification by grace through faith in Christ                      Romans 3

Nothing in the universe can separate us from the love of God  Romans 8

Living sacrifices                                                Romans 12

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind                  Romans 12


作業 15




1. 讀使徒行傳7: 54-8: 1 9: 1-9


2. 哥林多後書 5: 14-17


       b.,你記得曾有過以新的、 不同的方式看見基督嗎?這種經驗像是什麼?

3. 讀使徒行傳9 26-30


4. 讀使徒行傳10:1-11:24

       a. 彼得的夢如何預備他與哥尼流相見?

       b. 你認為這使彼得記起耶穌在馬可福音7 14-23的教導嗎?

       c. 你認為是誰在馬可福音7: 19中加上了解釋?

5. 讀以弗所 3: 1-12

       你認為彼得的經驗和保羅在這裡談到的秘密〈奧秘) 有何關連?

6. 讀使徒行傳16:6-10.





       "我不以福音為恥“                                          羅馬書 1

       神的義、因信耶穌基督、加給一切相信的人               羅馬書 3

       宇宙中的一切都不能叫我們與 神的愛隔絕               羅馬書 8

       活祭                                                              羅馬書 12

       心意更新而變化                                                 羅馬書 12















Assignment 16


The Book of Acts (c)

The Spirit of Love



  1. Read Acts 3:1-12.

a. Do you think Peter and John had ever seen this man before?

Note Acts 2:26

          b. Why did they suddenly notice him this time?


  1. Read Acts 4:32-37.

          What new philosophy of possessions developed in the early church?


  1. Read Acts 5:1-11.

         Do you see any evidence of a loving God in this incident?


  1. Read Acts 15:1-35.

a. What was the argument about here?

b. How did love triumph over factionalism?

c. Who seems to be the chairman of the church at this time?

d. What were the four points of the letter written by the council?  Do

    they all apply to Christians today?


  1. Read Acts 20:17-38. 

How do you see power, revelation, and love all together in this passage?





















作業 16



1. 讀使徒行傳3:1-12.

       a. 你認為彼得和約翰從前未見過這個人嗎?留意使徒行傳 2: 26

       b. 為什麼這一次他們突然注意他?

2. 讀使徒行傳4:32-37.


3. 讀使徒行傳5:1-11.


4. 讀使徒行傳15:1-35.

       a. 這裡爭論的是什麼?


       c. 誰似乎在這個時候是教會的領導?

       d. 大會所寫的信件的四個要點是什麼?他們是否適用于今日的基督徒?

5. 讀使徒行傳20:17-38.

       你如何在這節經文中,同時看到能力、 啟示和愛?




























Assignment 17




  1. Read Psalms 1:6, 5:12, 55:22, and  Proverbs 11:14,15:29.

What is the definition of a righteous person?  A wicked person?


  1. Read Romans 3:10-11, and 22-23.

Is it fair of God to say, “There is no one righteous, not even one…

    There is no difference…”?  Aren’t some sinners worse than others?


  1. Read John 1:12, 3:14-16 and Numbers 21:4-9.

a.  Why do you think Jesus chose this incident in Israel’s history to

     explain his cross?

b.  If you were God and decided to save people who were good

                       enough, where would you set the bar for being good?


  1. Read 2 Corinthians 5:14-21.

.       Is there a danger in teaching that salvation is a free gift and you can

have it just for the asking?  Might people think that with this

guarantee they can continue to live in sin, or even get worse?



Memorize the chapter locations of these New Testament passages:


No other foundation than Jesus Christ               1 Corinthians 3

The gifts of the Holy Spirit                                 1 Corinthians 12 & 14

The love chapter                                        1 Corinthians 13

Transformed into his likeness                             2 Corinthians 3

If anyone is in Christ he or she is a new creation              2 Corinthians 5

















作業 17





1. 讀詩篇1:6, 5:12, 55:22,和箴言11:14,15:29


2. 讀羅馬書3 10-11,和 22-23


3. 讀約翰福音1: 12, 3 14-16  和民數記 21: 4-9

       a. 你認為為什麼耶穌選擇了在以色列的歷史中的這件事解釋他的十字架?

       b. 如果你是神且決定救一些足夠好的人,你對“好”會設什麼樣的門檻?

4. 讀哥林多後書 5: 14-21

       教導救恩是免費的,你只要要就可以有, 這有危險嗎?人們可能會認為這種

保證, 他們就可以繼續生活在罪中,甚至會變更糟嗎?




       除耶穌基督外沒有其他根基               哥林多前書3

       聖靈的恩賜                                    哥林多前書12 14

       愛的篇章                                        哥林多前書 13

       變成主的形狀                                哥林多後書3

       若有人在基督裡、他就是新造的人          哥林多後書5





















Assignment 18


The New Life in Christ (a)

A New Creation


  1. Read 2 Corinthians 5:17.

 Is the new creation instantaneous or is it a process over time?


  1. Read Romans 8:29 and Philippians 1:6.
    1. Does God justify us in order to achieve another goal, or is justification

an end in itself?

    1. How does the concept of predestination as used here make you feel?


  1. Read 2 Corinthians 3:18.

How do we become transformed into his likeness?  What does this mean?


  1. Read Colossians 2:14?
    1. Is the law (e.g. the Ten Commandments) canceled?
    2. What aspect of the law is canceled?  Compare Romans 8:1, 33-39.
    3. What other aspect of the law is changed?  Compare Hebrews 10:14-18.





作業 18

在基督裡的新生命 (a)



1. 哥林多後書 5: 17


2. 讀羅馬書 8: 29 和腓立比書 1: 6


       b. 此處使用的預定的概念讓你的感覺如何?

3. 哥林多後書3: 18

       我們如何能夠變化成為到他的樣式?而“變化成為到他的樣式”是什麼意     思?

4. 讀歌羅西書2:14

       a.律法 (例如十誡) 被取消了嗎?

       b.律法的哪些方面被取消了?比較羅馬書 81 33-39

    1. 律法的哪些方面被更改了?比較希伯來書 10: 14-18





Assignment 19


The New Life in Christ (b)

A New Obedience


  1. Read Psalm 119:18.

If the law only brings us knowledge of our sins, accuses us, and stops our

      mouths, how can we love it?


  1. Read Jesus’s summary of the law in Mark 12:28-33.
    1. Can you make a person love you by demanding it?
    2. How is love elicited?


  1. Read Romans 12:2

How would you say this in your own words?


  1. How are Exodus 20:14 and Ephesians 5:25-28 related?


      5.  Read 2 Timothy 4:6-8.

              Will there be rewards in heaven (crowns, mansions, etc.)?


      6.  Read Luke 23:39-43.

    1. Will this thief have a crown in heaven?  Will it be as big as Pauls?
    2. What will we do with our crowns in heaven?  (The clue is in the

             Book of Revelation.)


  1. Read John 4:34-38.

Do you see a kind of communism in heaven here?



Memorize the chapter locations of these New Testament passages:


The wonderful exchange                                 2 Corinthians 5

Not I but Christ                                       Galatians 2

The fruit of the Holy Spirit                               Galatians 5

The full armor of God                                     Ephesians 6

He who began a good work in you will bring it to

             completion                                        Philippians 1 









作業 19

在基督裡的新生命 (b)



1. 讀詩篇 119:18

       如果律法只是使我們認識我們的罪、 指責我們,和叫我們閉口,那我們       如何可能喜愛律法?

2. 讀馬可福音 12: 28-33耶穌對律法的摘要。

       a. 你能要求人愛你嗎?

       b. 愛是怎樣引起的?

3. 讀羅馬書 12: 2


4. 出埃及記20: 14和以弗所 5: 25-28有何關連?

5. 提摩太後書 4 6-8

       在天堂會有獎賞嗎(冠冕、 豪廈)等?

6. 讀路加福音 23: 39-43


       b. 我們在天上將用我們的冠冕做什麼?(線索是在啟示錄中。)

7. 讀約翰福音4: 34-38




       奇妙的交換                                    哥林多後書5

       不在是我,只有基督                           加拉太 2

       聖靈的果子                                    加拉太書5

       神的全副軍裝                                以弗所書 6

       那在你們心裡動了善工的、必成全這工              腓立比書1

















Assignment 20

The New Life in Christ (c)

A New Relationship


  1. Read John 10:1-4 and 15:1-5.

What does it mean to remain (abide) in him?  How do we hear his voice? 

    How can we know what we hear is not just our own imagination?


  1. Read John 5:39, 2 Timothy 3:14-16, and Luke 24:13-27, 44.

Martin Luther said, “The whole content of Scripture (the Bible) is Jesus

    Christ.”  What do you think that means?


  1. Read Matthew 6:7-8 and 7:7-11.
    1. Are these two passages mutually contradictory?
    2. If God loves us and already knows everything we need, why should 

we pray?

    1. What is the purpose of prayer?


  1. Read Psalm 37:4

How does God dare make such an astounding offer?  Is it dangerous?



Memorize the chapter locations of these New Testament passages;


All the fullness of the Deity lives in Christ.                   Colossians 2

"I will never leave you or forsake you."                Hebrews 13

"Cast all you anxieties on him, for he cares for you."    1 Peter 5

Jesus is the Alpha and Omega                      Revelation 1

The new heaven and the new earth                      Revelation 21


















作業 20

在基督裡的新生命 (c)



1. 讀約翰福音 10: 1-4 15: 1-5



2. 讀約翰福音5: 39,提摩太後書3: 14-16 和路加福音 24 13-27 ,44

       馬丁 · 路德說: 經上 (聖經) 的整個內容都是耶穌基督。你認為這意味著     什麼?

3讀馬太福音6: 7-8 7 7-11

       a. 這兩個節經文是相互矛盾的嗎?

       b. 如果上帝愛我們而且已知道我們需要的一切,那我們為何仍要禱告?

       c. 禱告的目的是什麼?

4. 讀詩篇 37:4




       神所有的豐滿都住在基督裡                      哥羅西書 2

       我總不撇下你、也不丟棄你                      希伯來書13

       你們要將一切的憂慮卸給 神、因為他顧念你們       彼得前書 5

       耶穌是阿拉法、是俄梅戛                                 啟示 1

       新天和新地                                           啟示錄21






















Assignment 21


The Church


  1. Read Matthew 16:13-19.

Is Peter the rock upon which the church is built?  Note 1 Corinthians 3:11,

Ephesians 2:20, and 1 Peter 2:4-6.


  1. Read 1 Peter 2:4-5.
    1. Who is a priest?
    2. What sacrifices do the priests offer?  Note Romans 12:1 and 

Hebrews 13:15.

    1. What is the primary reason why the church exists?  Note

Ephesians 1:3-6.


  1. Read John 4:23-24.
    1. What does it mean to worship in truth?
    2. What does it mean to worship in spirit?


  1. Read Romans 12:4-5.
    1. What is another reason why the church exists?
    2. What does it mean, in practical application, that we all belong to each



  1. Reads Acts 1:8.
    1. What is a third task of the church?
    2. How is the best way to do this?


  1. Read Ephesians 1:1-14 and 1 Timothy 2:1-4.

Does God want all people to be saved, or does he choose some to be saved?

















作業 21




1. 馬太福音16 13-19

       彼得是那教會建造的基石嗎?參考:哥林多前書3: 11,以弗所書2: 20     彼得前書2 4-6

2. 彼得前書2: 4-5


       b. 祭司獻上什麼樣的犧牲?參考:羅馬書 12: 1 和希伯來書 13: 15

       c. 教會存在的主要理由是什麼?參考:以弗所書 1 3-6

3. 讀約翰 福音4 23-24


       b. 何謂用心靈敬拜?

4. 讀羅馬書 12: 4-5

       a. 教會存在的另一個理由是什麼?

       b. 在實際應用上而言,“我們都屬於對方”意味著什麼?

5. 讀使徒行傳18

       a. 教會的第三個任務是什麼?

       b. 最好的達成辦法是甚麼?

6. 讀以弗所書 1: 1-14 提摩太前書 2: 1-4

























Assignment 22

The Work of the Holy Spirit


  1. Read 1 Corinthians12:3.
    1. What is the primary work of the Holy Spirit?
    2. How does this relate to 2 Corinthians 5:17?
    3. If the new creation is both instantaneous and a process over time, hwo does Galatians 5:22-23 relate to the process?


  1. Read 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, 27-30, 27-30, and 14:1-4, 39-40.
    1. Do all Christians have all of the gifts?
    2. Have you experienced any of these gifts?
    3. Have you been blessed by others’ gifts?
    4. What is the only correct use of the gift of prophecy?  Note

1 Corinthians 14:3.


  1. Which do think is more important, the gifts or the fruit of the Holy Spirit?


4.   Read 1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13.

        What is greater than all the gifts?





作業 22




1. 哥林多 12: 3

              a. 聖靈的主要工作是什麼?

              b. 這如何和哥林多後書 5: 17有關聯?

              c. 如果這新造的人既是立即的又是隨著時間的過程,加拉太書 5: 22-23 和這過程如何相關?

2. 讀哥林多前書12: 4-11 27-30 27-30 14: 1 4 39-40

              a. 所有基督徒都有所有的恩賜嗎?

              b. 你有任何一種恩賜的經歷嗎?

              c. 你有因別人的恩賜而得祝福嗎?

              d. 唯一正確使用先知預言的恩賜是什麼?注 哥林多前書 14 3

3. 聖靈的恩賜或果子, 你認為哪個更重要?

4. 讀哥林多前書12: 31 13: 13






Assignment 23

The Book of Revelation (a)



  1. Read Revelation, Chapters 1-3.


    1. The letters to the seven churches include both praises and warnings.  Which churches receive only praise.  What are they praised for?
    2. What are the most common topics of the warnings given to the other five?


  1. Scan Revelation, Chapters 4-22.

Revelation seems to be written in a code and also in layers of meaning, describing the near future, the far future, and the final future.  If Chapters 1-3 describe the near future, what passages in Chapters 4-22 do you think describe the near, the far, and the final future?


  1. The number seven is used often in Revelation.
    1. Why would this number be significant to Christians/
    2. Why would it be significant to Romans?







作業 23




1. 讀啟示錄1-3章。

       a. 給七個教會信包括讚揚和警告。哪些教會只有讚揚?他們為何被讚揚?

       b. 對其他五個教會的共同警告是什麼?

2. 讀啟示錄4-22章。

       啟示錄的寫法好像有一個代碼和一層層的意思,說明在不久的將來,較遠的 未來及最後的未來。如果第 1-3 章描述了在不久的將來, 4-22 的那些經       文你認為描述這不久的將來,較遠的未來及最後的未來。?



       a. 為什麼這數字對基督徒是重要的?

       b. 為什麼這數字對羅馬人是重要的?






Assignment 24

The Book of Revelation (b)


  1. Read Revelation, Chapter 12.
    1. Who do you think the woman and her son are?
    2. What do you think the desert might represent?


  1. Read Revelation, Chapter 13.
    1. Who do you think the beast rising out of the sea is?
    2. Who do the ten horns represent?
    3. Who is the second beast?


  1. Read Revelation, Chapter 17.
    1. What do you think the woman seated on the beast’s seven heads might represent?
    2. Why is it called Babylon (which had been destroyed long before) and not its real name?


  1. Read Revelation, Chapters 21-22.
    1. List all of the characteristics you see of the new Jerusalem.
    2. What do you think they mean.
    3. What is the primary message of the Book of Revelation?



作業 24



1. 讀啟示錄12章。

       a. 你認為這女人和她的兒子是誰?

       b. 你認為曠野可能代表什麼?

2. 讀啟示錄13章。

       a. 你認為海獸是誰?

       b. 十角代表什麼?

       c. 第二個獸是誰?

3. 讀啟示錄17章。

       a. 你認為坐在獸的七頭上的女人可能代表什麼?

       b. 它為什麼叫巴比倫 (這很久以前被毀滅的) 而不是其真正的名字?

4. 讀啟示錄21-22章。

       a. 列出所有你知道的新耶路撒冷的特性。

       b. 你認為他們意味著什麼。

       c. 啟示錄的主要信息是什麼?