Jesus Is the Fountain of Eternal Life(John 4:1-26)

 耶穌是永生的泉源 (約四:1-26)


- Eternal life is our deepest need

- Eternal life is available.

- Only God can give eternal life:  He must give because it cannot be bought or merited; and He is willing to give it freely.

- God has arranged that eternal life must be received through a personal transaction with His Son Jesus, and Jesus will give eternal life to whoever is thirsty enough to ask Him for it.

- Prejudice, pride, and hidden sin hinders the giving and receiving of eternal life. Face the truth about sin in His presence- and take the water of life freely.

- Eternal life meets the deepest need of man so that man can fulfill the eternal purpose of God.   God seeks worshippers in spirit and truth.  Only these can overcome and fulfill God’s eternal purpose.  (Revelation 21:6, 22:17)





--神已安排了透過與祂的兒子耶穌的個人轉化得永生, 耶穌願賜永生給任何乾渴祈求的人

--偏見, 驕傲及隱藏的罪成了得永生的障礙, 在祂同在中誠實面對罪, 白白地享受生命水

--永生滿足人裡面最深的需要, 因此人可以成就神永恆的旨意. 神尋找用心靈誠實的敬拜者, 只有這樣人可以成就神永恆的旨意 (啟廿一:6; 廿二:17)