
Believer, Disciple, Apostle


什麼是你生命中最重要的選擇 大學? 工作? 婚姻家庭為什麼?

What are the most important choices of your life?

College?  Career?  Marriage?  Family?  Why?


What is the secret for this life’s efforts and accomplishments having eternal meaning?


3 gradual relationships with the Lord:

(1). 信徒 :  接受基督為個人的救主 敢公開承認耶穌是基督的罪人 ;

Believer: a sinner who accepted Christ as personal savior – courageously   proclaiming Jesus is the Christ.

(2). 門徒 活出基督是個人的主 繼續屬靈追求,生活中彰顯基督的信徒 ;    

Disciple: a believer who lives out Christ as personal Lord – persisting in spiritual pursuit and manifesting Christ in life.

(3)  使徒 承受基督差派的工人 忠於基督的託付,獻上生命服事的門徒  ;

Apostle: a disciple who receives Christ’s calling as missionary – faithful to Christ’s entrusting, offering lasting life service.


羅得的失敗與反思 :    

Lot’s failure and reflection:

 1. 羅得沒有真正的跟隨主,你有個人與主禱告靈修的關係嗎?

     Lot never truly followed the Lord, do you have a personal relationship with the

     Lord in prayer and in devotion?

 2. 羅得受世界的影響而不自覺,你的價值觀合乎聖經嗎?

     Lot was influenced by the world but had no self-awareness, does your   

     principle of value comply with the Bible?


今天神拯救我們的心意信徒 à 門徒 à 使徒,你在哪裡?

Today God’s will of saving us: becoming a believer, disciple, apostle; where are you?