勞苦重擔者的福音 - 耶穌基督


1. 神在亞當躲避時問的三個問題  ( 3:8-13)

    (1). 你在那裡?  (離開神的面)

    (2). 誰告訴你的?  (撒但的誘惑)

    (3). 你作的是什么? (人該負的責任)

2. 舊約中罪的問題藉祭司獻祭來解決 (律法書)

   仇敵的問題藉君王統治來解決 (歷史書)

   離開神的問題藉先知預言來解決 (先知書)

3. 新約中應驗基督是一切問題的答案

              ~ 大祭司 解決罪的問題   [9:11-12, 10:10-12]

         ~   大君王解決撒但的問題   [約壹3:8, 17:14]

         大先知 解決離開神的問題    [14:6, 西1:13-14]                              


4. 生活應用


Jesus Christ – The gospel for the weary and burdened


I.        When Adam and Eve hid from the Lord after they sinned, God asked three questions (Genesis 3:8-13)

“Where are you?” (Man’s separation from God)

“Who told you?” (Temptation from Satan)

“What is this you have done?” (Man’s responsibility)


II.     In the Old Testament:

The problem of sin(s) was dealt with by the priests’ offerings.

The problem of enemies was dealt with by the ruling of kings.

The problem of departure from God was dealt with by the prophecies of the prophets.  


III.   In the New Testament, Jesus Christ is the answer to all these problems:

The Great Priest – Solves the problem of sin(s)  (Heb 9:11-12, 10:11-12)

The Great King – Solves the problem of the devil (1 John 3:8)

      The Great Prophet – Solves the problem of departure from God (John 14:6)


IV. Life Application