Growing Through Godly Sorrow

II Corinthians 7:8-13林後七8-13


Introduction 引言

Greetings from Fort Lee Gospel Church Fort Lee Gospel Church問候大家

A part of life is going through trials試煉是生命中的一部份

Today’s topic is productive sorrow (or pain, hurt, grief, disappointments, etc.)


Read II Cor 7:8-13讀經 林後七8-13


I.  Understanding Different Sorrows 了解各種不同的憂愁:

Story of Paul’s letter to Corinth 保羅寫給哥林多教會信的原由

Similar to coach challenging player如同教練挑戰球員

Related to life’s challenges faced by all 同於所有人面對生命的挑戰

Hebrews 10:24 “spur one another on toward love and good deeds”


James 1:2-4 雅各書一2-4



II.  Sorrow: Peter vs. Judas 苦難:彼得與猶大

Peter denied knowing Jesus (Luke 22:54-62) 彼得否認主耶穌 (路二十二54-62)

Judas betrayed Jesus (Luke 22:1-6) 猶大出賣主耶穌 (路二十二1-6)

Why did Peter become the church leader and Judas commit suicide?


Godly sorrow (John 21:15-19) versus worldly sorrow (Matt 27:1-10)

神聖的懊悔 (約二十一15-19) 與世上的懊悔 (太二十七1-10)


III.               Products of Godly Sorrow 從神來的懊悔的結果

Repentance (II Cor 7:10) 悔改 (林後七10)

Psalm 51:1,2  Come to God with sin 詩五十一1,2 帶著罪來到神面前

Psalm 51:3-6  Own your sin – no excuses詩五十一3,6 承認罪沒有藉口

Psalm 51:7-12  Ask for forgiveness 詩五十一7-12 請求饒恕

Replacement (II Cor 7:11) 替換 (林後七11)

Motivation to do the right thing行義的動機



Do you have unresolved issues you need to bring to God? (I John 1:9)

As a Christian, are you victorious over sin habits?

As a Christian, are you trusting God to teach you through the sorrows of life?


